Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF), also known as mucoviscidosis (from Latin mucus, "slime," and viscidus, "tenacious, sticky"), is a genetic, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder. It is one of the most common metabolic disorders among Caucasians. The disease is characterized by a malfunction in chloride channels, altering the composition of all exocrine gland secretions. This malfunction prevents the normal osmotic dilution of these secretions, making them thick and viscous. The glands in the bronchial tubes, pancreas, small intestine, liver, and sweat glands are particularly affected. In the bronchial tubes, the thick secretions create a favorable environment for pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Repeated lung infections can lead to progressive lung failure, potentially requiring long-term oxygen therapy or even a lung transplant 1. With the development of potent modulator therapies targeting the defective CFTR protein, CF patients now live over 40 years longer than they did before the advent of these treatments. As a result, CF patients now face new challenges in managing comorbidities commonly seen in the aging population 2.
In addition to lung function, nutritional status is one of the most important prognostic factors for CF patients. Pancreatic inflammation and fibrosis can lead to CF-related diabetes, a prevalent comorbidity that affects an estimated 20% of adolescents and up to 40-50% of adults 2 . Other gastrointestinal complications include hepatic steatosis (affecting 25-60% of patients) and cirrhosis (affecting about 10%), both resulting from bile duct obstruction. Approximately 65% of adult CF patients suffer from osteopenia, and 25% have osteoporosis 3 . Early diagnosis, prevention of malnutrition, and timely intervention are crucial for the success of nutritional therapy in CF. Recurrent infections, nutrient losses due to malabsorption, glucosuria in diabetic patients, and protein losses from large amounts of sputum contribute to high requirements for energy, protein, and micronutrients. Meeting these increased needs is challenging and should be a priority for the entire treatment team.
Impact on metabolism and nutritional status
Data on the prevalence of malnutrition in adult CF patients are limited. Depending on the criteria used, 42-49% of CF patients are classified as malnourished 4,5 . Nutritional therapy is a critical intervention alongside medication, inhalation therapy, and physiotherapy. In CF, both exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas may be compromised. Approximately 85% of CF patients suffer from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) 6, a condition that impairs digestion due to reduced secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bicarbonate. The irreplaceable deficiency of pancreatic lipase leads to malabsorption of dietary fats, proteins, starch, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), resulting in malabsorption syndrome. Symptoms of untreated EPI include severe digestive disturbances such as steatorrhea, bulky and foul-smelling stools, flatulence, abdominal pain, and weight loss. The recommended treatment for CF patients with EPI includes a high-fat diet, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT), and supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins 7.
CF patients exhibit mild hypermetabolism (5-35%) due to increased breathing effort, chronic inflammation, and recurrent infections 8. The Harris-Benedict formula underestimates resting basal metabolic rate by about 23% compared to measurements from indirect calorimetry. For malabsorption, an additional 20-50% should be added to the resting basal metabolic rate, and if the patient is malnourished, a further 30% is recommended. International guidelines suggest that the total daily energy requirement for CF patients is 110–200% higher than for a healthy population of similar age, sex, and height 9, 10 . Protein requirements are also significantly higher—double that of a healthy population—and account for 20% of the total daily energy needs 4, 10, 11.
Nutrient requirements of cystic fibrosis patients. Adjustments are necessary for malnourished patients, physical activity and age of patients. The weight used is the adjusted body weight (AjBWJ) from BMI 28, otherwise body weight before hospital admission 3. BW = body weight; d = day
Please fill out the weight
*Note: CAVE Renal Insufficiency – administer lower protein amounts (see Kidney Chapter).
Vitamins, Minerals and Trace elements
- Coverage of daily vitamin and mineral requirements according to DACH recommendations
- High-dose supplementation of micronutrients only for specific deficiencies
- Due to impaired fat absorption and increased nutrient demands, CF patients, even those with a functioning pancreas, can develop deficiencies in vitamins A, D, E, and K. Since these deficiencies cannot be corrected through typical food intake, these vitamins must be taken daily as part of long-term therapy. Fat-soluble vitamins are usually taken with a fatty meal and enzymes, although special formulations allow for independent intake, regardless of meals.
- A worsening of lung function is also often associated with vitamin A deficiency.
- A healthy vitamin D level ensures good calcium absorption in the intestine and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Good vitamin D levels in the blood are also associated with good lung function.
- Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and protects cell membranes from free radicals that arise in the body during infections and chronic inflammation. Therefore, the need for vitamin E increases with the frequency of respiratory infections and with age.
- Vitamin K plays an important role in both blood clotting (vitamin K1) and bone metabolism (vitamin K2).
- If there is a deficiency of the trace elements zinc, iron and selenium in the blood, the administration of organic compounds such as iron gluconate, zinc gluconate and selenomethionine is recommended, and dividing the daily dose into several doses is preferred. The simultaneous intake of high amounts of calcium (effervescent tablets, dairy products, mineral water rich in calcium) impairs the absorption of many trace elements.
- Salt and electrolytes: A characteristic symptom of CF is the increased salt content in sweat, which is also used for diagnosis via a sweat test. The sometimes significantly increased need for salt must be compensated through food and drink. Salt requirements can be particularly high during physical activities, in warm weather, hot climates (such as vacations), and in cases of fever, vomiting, or gastrointestinal infections with diarrhea. This deficit should be promptly addressed to prevent dyselectrolytemia. Oral rehydration solutions (e.g., Elotrans®, Oralpädon®) can also help compensate for electrolyte losses. A homemade rehydration solution, prepared according to WHO guidelines, consists of: 1 level teaspoon of sugar, 1 level teaspoon of table salt, 0.75 teaspoon of baking soda, mixed with 1 liter of drinking water (or tea). Adding small amounts of fruit juice can enrich the solution with potassium and improve the taste. While a low-salt diet is generally recommended for healthy people, CF patients can and should consume foods high in salt. For patients on CFTR modulator therapy, salt requirements may be reduced. A sweat test can be helpful to determine individual needs, which should be adjusted in consultation with the treating physician.
- Approximately two-thirds of adult CF patients (up to 65%) have reduced bone density and up to 25% have osteoporosis. It is estimated that the risk of fracture is twice as high as in the general population. 3 An adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is essential for both the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The basic therapy for patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency includes fat-soluble vitamins in any case.
Aims of Nutritional Therapy
- Maintaining/improving nutritional status and bodily functions
- Normalization of digestion and alleviation of symptoms
- Prevention of malnutrition/nutrient deficiencies
- Increase/optimization of food intake
- Reduction of systemic inflammation and hypermetabolic stress
Oral Nutrition
Nutrition plays an important role in patients with CF, which is why a nutrition assessment should be carried out every 3-6 months with the aim of preventing malnutrition. A protein- and energy-enriched diet (hypercaloric) helps to improve the nutritional status. If possible, nutritional counseling should be integrated at the beginning of nutritional therapy to address nutrition-related symptoms and optimize food intake. Key components of nutritional counseling include communicating the reasons for and goals of nutritional therapy.
Malnourished CF patients should also enrich their food with additional fats (cream, butter/margarine, oil, nuts, etc.) and/or maltodextrin or protein powder. In particular, vegetable fats (e.g., canola oil, soybean oil, or walnut oil) should be used more liberally. Including snacks in the diet plan is also essential. If a positive energy balance cannot be achieved with a regular diet, nutritional supplements, such as energy- and protein-rich sip feeds, can help increase energy intake.
Enteral nutrition: if more than 75% of energy and protein needs cannot be met with oral intake and supplements, enteral nutrition is recommended and should be escalated to supplemental enteral nutrition (via nasogastric or long-term PEG tube) after no more than 5 days. Complementary parenteral nutrition is indicated if less than 75% of the requirement can be covered by oral and/or enteral nutrition over a period of 10 days. For further details, please refer to the chapter on enteral and parenteral nutrition.
Nutrition and CFTR modulator use
Patients taking a CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) modulator as medication every 12 hours (e.g. Trikafta®, Orkambi®, Symdeko®) should take it with a fatty meal or drink. This helps the body better absorb the active ingredients, tezacaftor and ivacaftor, contained in the medication. CFTR modulators contribute to the improvement/stabilization of lung disease and can also increase appetite and reduce basal metabolic rate, potentially leading to weight gain.
Diagnosis of EPI and PERT
The direct Elastase-1 test, which measures the concentration of this enzyme in stool via ELISA, is suitable for the routine diagnostic determination of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI); the lower limit is about 200 μg elastase per gram of stool. The disadvantages are the low sensitivity (50-93%, also depending on the severity of pancreatic insufficiency) and specificity (62-93%) 12 . The 13C breath test is more elaborate but has limited availability. It is more sensitive than fecal elastase (sensitivity and specificity after six hours 93% and 92%) 13 . Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) should be initiated immediately after diagnosing EPI. The treatment consists of encapsulated enzyme preparations containing extracts of porcine pancreatin in the form of acid-resistant microspheres of up to 2 mm in diameter and different amounts of lipase, usually 10,000 IU and 25,000 IU (e.g., Creon®, Panzytrat®; vegan option: Nortase®, derived from rice fungi). The recommended dosage is 50,000–75,000 IU for main meals and 10,000–25,000 IU for snacks. On average, 2,000–3,000 IU lipase per gram of dietary fat is required.
For optimal enzyme effectiveness, the capsules should be taken throughout the meal with a small amount of liquid. Therapy response should be evaluated every three to six months based on clinical symptoms, such as steatorrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and weight loss. However, normalization of digestion is not always achieved. Lack of therapeutic success may stem from uncertainty regarding the optimal dose and form of enzyme replacement, poor patient compliance, or inadequate treatment of comorbid conditions. If treatment fails, the diet should be reviewed, and the enzyme dose may be doubled. Proton pump inhibitors can be prescribed to prevent pH-dependent inactivation of the enzymes due to insufficient bicarbonate secretion. By increasing the pH of the duodenal/jejunal chyme to >7.0, PERT effectiveness can be significantly optimized 14
- Prolonged Catabolism: In cases of prolonged catabolism (from around 5 days), if artificial nutrition (enteral or parenteral) is indicated, it should be gradually increased over several days, with careful monitoring for refeeding syndrome.
- Vitamin and Trace Element Levels: Blood levels of vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as trace elements like zinc, iron, and selenium, should be monitored regularly—at least once a year, or 3-6 months after the last dose adjustment of the replacement therapy.
- Vitamin A Monitoring with CFTR Modulators: Preliminary data suggest that vitamin A levels may increase with prolonged CFTR modulator use. Thus, regular checks of vitamin A blood levels are advised for patients on CFTR modulator therapy.
- Bone Health: Due to the high prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis, it is recommended to monitor bone metabolism (DXA) every 2 to 3 years.
- Diabetes Screening: To diagnose CF-related diabetes early, annual screening with the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is currently recommended. HbA1c is not routinely recommended, as it may appear falsely normal in CF patients.
- Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy: For exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, options include Creon®, Panzytrat®, or the vegan alternative Nortase®.
- Proton Pump Inhibitors: If enzyme replacement therapy alone is insufficient, try co-medication with proton pump inhibitors.
- Fat-Soluble Vitamin Supplementation: For exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, DEKAs® or DEKAs® Plus capsules are recommended.
- Oral Rehydration Solutions: To address dyselectrolytemia and high salt loss, use solutions like Elotrans® or Oralpädon®.
- CFTR Modulator Therapy: For specific genetic profiles, CFTR modulators (e.g., Trikafta®, Orkambi®, Symdeko®) can improve or stabilize lung function and promote weight gain. These medications should be taken with a fatty meal or drink.
- Mucociliary Clearance: Enhance mucociliary clearance, prevent atelectasis, bronchiectasis, and pulmonary infections with inhaled respiratory physiotherapy, secretolytics, and beta-2 sympathomimetics (short- and long-acting).
- Inhaled Antibiotics: Prevent exacerbations with inhaled antibiotics.
- Systemic Antibiotics: Treat pulmonary infections as necessary.
- Cholestasis and Hepatopathy: Treat cholestasis and prevent liver disease with ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursofalk® tablets). Note: In cases of cholestatic liver disease, consider substituting long-chain triglycerides with medium-chain triglycerides, which do not require pancreatic lipase or bile for absorption.
- Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS): Evaluate treatment with macrogol for distal intestinal obstruction.
- CF-Associated Diabetes: Assess the need for insulin treatment in CF-associated diabetes mellitus.
Insufficient Clinical Data
- Essential Fatty Acids: The essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA from fish and algae) and linoleic acid (omega-6) are beneficial for maintaining cell membrane integrity and elasticity, which can positively influence inflammatory processes. While there’s insufficient evidence for a clear recommendation, it’s advisable to include 1-2 servings of fish per week, especially fatty fish like wild salmon, herring, and mackerel.
- Probiotics: The current evidence on probiotics is inconsistent, so no definitive recommendation can be made. However, probiotics may be taken at two-hour intervals during antibiotic therapy to prevent diarrhea. Specifically, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and/or Saccharomyces boulardii, at a daily dose of 5–40 billion CFU, have shown effectiveness.
- Moran A, et al. Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: current trends in prevalence, incidence and mortality. Diabetes Care 2009;32:1626-1631.
- Ticona JH, et al. Future Comorbidities in an Aging Cystic Fibrosis Population. Life (Basel) 2023;13(6):1305.
- Jacquot J, et al. Bone Disease in cystic fibrosis: New pathogenic insights opening novel therapies. Osteoporos Int 2016;27:1401–1412.
- Schönenberger K, et al. Nutritional assessment in adults with cystic fibrosis. Nutrition 2019;67-68:110518.
- Dray X, Kanaan R, et al. Malnutrition in adults with cystic fibrosis. Eur J Clin Nutr 2005;59:152-154.
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 2021 Patient Registry: Annual Data Report. Available at:
- Castellani C, et al. ECFS best practice guidelines: the 2018 revision. J Cyst Fibros 2018;17:153–78.
- Milla CE. Association of nutritional status and pulmonary function in children with cystic fibrosis. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2004;10:505-509.
- Stallings VA, et al. Evidence-based practice recommendations for nutrition-related management of children and adults with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency: results of a systematic review. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:832-839.
- Turck D, et al. ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with cystic fibrosis. Clin Nutr 2016;35(3):557-77.
- German Nutrition Society, Austrian Nutrition Society. Swiss Society for Nutrition. D-A-CH reference values for nutrient intake. Second ed. Germany: Neuer Umschau Buchverlag; 2015 Neustadt an der Weinstrasse.
- Siegmund E, et al. Die diagnostische Validität nichtinvasiver Pankreasfunktionstests – Eine Metaanalyse. Z Gastroenterol 2004;42:1117-1128.
- Domínguez-Muñoz JE, et al. Development and Diagnostic Accuracy of a Breath Test for Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency in Chronic Pancreatitis. Pancreas. 2016;45:241-247.
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Zeno Stanga, MD, Ernährungsmedizin, Inselspital Bern