Nährstoff Täglicher Bedarf
  Info Vorzeichen Bedarf min. Bedarf max. Einheit
Protein eGFR≥30ml/min/1.73m² 1.2 1.5

g/d 5, 9-11

  eGFR<30 ml/min/1.73m² 0.8

g/d 8

Energie 27

kcal/d 8

Flüssigkeit Women

1.6 L ** 12


2.0** L 12

For pressure ulcers

     Specific amino acids: arginine, glutamine, bHMB 8

EN      Formulas with soluble and insoluble dietary fiber 8

* For a subdivision into specific conditions, see the ESPEN Guidelines for polymorbid patients

** According to the ESPEN Guidelines for geriatric patients 12