Wie Beurteile ich den Ernährungszustand Meines Patienten? [How to Assess the Nutritional Status of My Patient]
Praxis. 2012 Feb 29; 101(5):307-15. doi: 10.1024/1661-8157/a000857.
Leuenberger, M. S., Joray, M. L., Kurmann, S., & Stanga, Z.
Protein-energy-malnutrition is a growing problem in industrialised countries. Many studies have found malnourishment in 20-60% of hospitalized medical or surgical patients, as well as out-patients. Malnutrition negatively influences patients' prognosis, immune system, muscle strength, and quality of life. As it is a largely treatable co-morbidity, systematic screening for malnutrition and effective management will improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Early diagnosis and assessment depends on a simple and standardised screening tool that identifies at-risk patients, allowing the medical team in charge to solve patients' nutritional problems with an interdisciplinary approach.