
Ernährungsempfehlungen beim metabolisch-vaskulären Syndrom

Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin. 2018 Apr 19; 43(2):113-127. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-124599.
Lechner, K., Erickson, N., Lechner, B., Horn, F.


Zur Prävention und Therapie metabolisch-vaskulärer Erkrankungen wurde jahrelang ein fett- und kalorienarmes Ernährungsmuster mit konkreten Vorgaben zu isolierten Nährstoffen propagiert wie bspw. dem Cholesterin oder den gesättigten Fettsäuren. Dieser Beitrag soll zeigen, dass lebensmittel- bzw. essmusterbasierte Empfehlungen ohne spezifische Angaben zu Nährstoffrelationen oder Kalorien sinnvoller sind.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death globally. Poor diet constitutes a key factor in the initiation and progression of cardiovascular disease and has become the leading risk factor for disability and death worldwide. Therefore, addressing suboptimal nutrition is of key prognostic relevance in primary and secondary prevention of metabolic vascular syndrome.

Metabolic vascular syndrome is a multidimensional network of acquired cardiometabolic risk factors closely related to insulin resistance (IR) and compensatory hyperinsulinemia. IR, being the underlying cause of metabolic vascular syndrome and certain types of cancer, should attract the attention of every clinician. As changes in lipoprotein metabolism are one of the earliest indicators of metabolic dysfunction, a relevant biomarker for identifying individuals with IR is the TAG/HDL-C ratio.

Hyperinsulinemia – and concomitant metabolic vascular risk – can be effectively treated by lifestyle intervention. If IR is present, dietary carbohydrate restriction has consistently been shown to be superior to dietary fat restriction in reversing metabolic dysfunction. The beneficial effects of carbohydrate restricted diets on metabolic vascular risk are independent of BMI – diet quality therefore confers patient benefit beyond weight reduction.

Targeting IR with a low glycemic load, real food diet will reduce overall energy density and will improve all risk factors of metabolic vascular syndrome. In particular, replacing refined carbohydrates with healthy fats in the context of a Mediterranean style-, low carbohydrate and calorie-unrestricted dietary pattern has been shown to significantly reduce burden of metabolic vascular disease. The effect of single nutrients on isolated lipid surrogate markers such as LDL-C does not capture their global effect on metabolic vascular risk.

Information NutriBib

Reference work for leading, current and selected literature in the field of clinical nutrition

Publications on clinical nutrition have grown steadily in recent years and the scientific evidence has been improved by numerous observational as well as intervention studies. Various umbrella organisations, such as the Swiss Society for Clinical Nutrition (GESKES), the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (DGEM) or the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) publish guidelines on nutrition in various clinical situations at regular intervals. Thus, a large amount of literature is available for evidence-based nutritional medicine.

The NutriBib aims to filter out authoritative publications in the various fields of nutritional medicine and thus to provide an overview of the abundance of literature. A large number of experienced nutrition experts contributed to the selection of relevant sources and allow a broadly based selection. Nevertheless, the literature selection cannot be considered exhaustive. Specific literature can be found by entering search words (using the magnifying glass at the top right) or by searching the table of contents.

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List of abbreviations

DGEM German Society for Nutritional Medicine (German Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin)
GESKES  Swiss Society for Clinical Nutrition (German Gesellschaft für klinische Ernährung der Schweiz) 
ESPEN European Society of Clinicl Nutrition and Metabolism